So let me paint of picture of my living room floor area for you. I'll spare you the gory details of the current state of the kitchen.
- One highchair, covered with spilled and hardening goo from bowl of rice cereal mixed with peas that my dog managed to overturn after I'd left it unattended.
- One bowl flung onto carpet, spoon 5 feet away, once filled with rice cereal mixed with peas.
- Partially emptied, opened diaper bag, now stained with overflow of spilled goo from said highchair incident.
- 3 baby blankets (that double as changing pads and play mats), each in various states of "wadded up" and sprinkled with a delicious combination of teething biscuit crumbs, rice cereal flakes, Cheerios, and pet hair.
- 13 primary colored plastic ("PCP" as Jeanette says) baby toys in random order as if shot across the room from a baby toy cannon. Cannon is nowhere to be found.>
- One baby bouncy seat positioned strategically in front of the TV and atop one of wadded up baby blankets.
- One tube of diaper creme being squished under the leg of above bouncy seat.
- One unopened fax machine in box from last night's Wal-Mart trip, complete with large roll of architectural drawings and landscaping book balanced on top.
- Three untouched plastic Wal-Mart bags still filled with purchased items from last night's Wal-Mart trip.
- Three dirty, crusty bibs, each in different locations. (**Note: I've had to revised this number 3 times as each time I scan the room I have found another bib!)
- One pair of flannel plaid baby pants purchased at last night's Wal-Mart trip.
- One baby wash cloth, printed with the word "Sunday".
- Two dirty diapers sporting half-assed attempt at being neatly and tightly wrapped up to contain pee and poo.
- One unused diaper utilized as momentary distraction technique during previous diaper changing.
- Torn apart package of baby tights.
- Seven wipes - unable to tell from current seat on sofa as to whether they are used or not.
- Black leather laptop bag purchased during last night's Wal-Mart trip (yah, high quality I'm sure) , laying on it's side and temporarily being used as alternate diaper bag.
- Black canvas laptop bag, laying on it's side, stuffed with work things.
- Two chenille hand puppets, which look as if they jumped to their death from their partially emptied, goo-encrusted diaper bag home.
- One pair of brown, pointy toe, stiletto heels removed in an hurry while carrying crying, snotty babe in arms from the car.
- One pair of black, pointy toe, stiletto heels removed in a leisurely fashion upon return from Wal-Mart trip with sleeping babe in carseat.
- One white, baby tee shirt peeled from just awaken babe in preparation for donning of cute party outfit for an office shin-dig.
- Two dirty towels used to dry wet babe fresh from a bath this morning.
- One flyer/magazine read while waiting for waitress to take our order at Denny's last night.
- Official, wipeable diaper changing pad.
- Bottle of "Little Noses" saline solution used to clear up snotty noses; used as another toy used to keep baby busy while changing a diaper or while waiting for waitress to take order at Denny's.
- Shreds of cardboard and plastic from box of Goldfish that dog stole from kitchen counter and subsequently devoured during last night's Denny's/Wal-Mart outing.
- Lone flip-flop thrown on with pajamas for quick dash to mailbox yesterday morning.
- One piece of dog food.
- Hanging from leather chair in living room: dirty pair of lavender baby pajamas (inside out), recycled paper stuffing from newly purchased laptop bag.
- Sitting on top of glass coffee table... basket filled with: diapers, lotion, pair of baby nail clippers, never-used container of anti-bacterial hand sanitizer, comb, and bathwash.